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You can buy (reasonable price) any photo images (needed printing quality) from sight

You can order any interested in Ukraine photo image by e-mail [email protected], and if one is in extensive photo archive, it will be publishing on the sight especially for you

You can order any interested original photo image from any place of the Ukraine by e-mail [email protected], and after payment will receive one during three days


Besides, author of the sight is ready propose wide set of various another services, supported by himself professional knowledge and experience:

Writing of the professionally and stylistically correctly written texts for the guidebooks, directories, encyclopedias, magazine and newspaper papers, advertising booklets etc.

Preparing of the popular regional papers about Ukraine non limited by the thematic or quantity of the photo images

Editing of the texts (Ukrainian and Russian languages; English – correctly written transliteration of the geographical names), any themes about Ukraine (except political)

Gathering of the statistical, historical, geographical and any other information, to polish up one for preparing of directories, encyclopedias, advertising and popular publications

Creation and detailed preparation one-day and more long tourist routes with visiting of maximally wide spectrum of the different sightseeing: geological, archeological, historical, ethnographical, monumental, cult churches, monasteries and sacral places, museums and picturesque landscape parts around all territory of the Ukraine

Consulting and drawing up of the personal trip for auto tourists around all Ukraine (roads, sightseeing, museums, schedule of trip, hotels etc.). It is possible qualified escort

Editing and preparing of the photo images for publishing

Selection of the photo images regions, thematic and style

You can buy (reasonable price) any photo images (needed printing quality) from site

You can order any interested in Ukraine photo image by e-mail [email protected], and if one is in extensive photo archive, it will be publishing on the sight especially for you

You can order any interested original photo image from any place of the Ukraine by e-mail [email protected], and after payment will receive one during three days

Kolomyia. Hutsul and Pokuttia Museum - Holiday Outfit, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Museums
Kolomyia. Hutsul and Pokuttia Museum - Holiday Outfit, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Museums
Mukacheve. View of Mukacheve castle from west, Zakarpattia Region, Fortesses & Castles
Mukacheve. View of Mukacheve castle from west, Zakarpattia Region, Fortesses & Castles
Berdiansk. Spa gazebo, Zaporizhzhia Region, Civic Architecture
Berdiansk. Spa gazebo, Zaporizhzhia Region, Civic Architecture

weather forecast Kiev map of Kiev city

Application for trust tax id

application for trust tax id


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Support by pikalov.kiev.ua